Chilli or chili is originated in America. They are actually called as chilli pepper but in some countries like India, Australia, South Africa and other Asian countries the word pepper is omitted.

Chilli Story!

Chilli peppers have been part of human diet in America since atleast 7500 BC! In later years Christopher Columbus introduced it to European countries.

   Upon their introduction into European countries, they were grown as botanical curiosities in Spanish gardens. Then monks experimented and found chilli culinary potential and discovered that their pungency offered a substitute for Black peppercorns, which were so costly at that time that they were used as legal currency in some countries!!

And then chillies were cultivated around the globe!

India is the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter of chilli peppers. Andra Pradesh contributes 75% of India's chilli exports

Today chillies are integral part of South Asian and South east Asian Cuisines!

Chilli produced in USA are world's hottest chillies!

Do you feel hot when you eat chilli..?!?!?

Yes, you feel!

Chilli has got a substance called CAPSAICIN (read as cap-sy-sin). When consumed it binds with sensory neuron and sends message to your brain that you have consumed something hot and brain responds to burning sensation by raising your heart rate, increasing perspiration and release endorphin making you feel hot.


Psychologists say that eating chilli is taking a "roller costar ride" you know you face pain and fear but you enjoy it and you also know that it is actually not harmful.

Hope you are now more knowledged on hot chilli pepper :) 

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